Millions of American homes have some sort of a correctable water problem. The most common are; hardness, turbidity, bad odors, bad taste, and chlorine.


All of these problems have negative effects such as; Spending too much money on cleaning products, replacing water heaters, Irons, dish washers, coffee makers, laundry machines, shower heads, faucets, damaged tiles, glass, clothing and anything else that comes in contact with water.


Negative effects such as dry skin and hair from hardness, chlorine and chloramine are also problematic.   They can be effectively treated by our Atlantis Water Refinement System.

Hard Water and Chlorine

Bottled Water

Hard Water and Chlorine have an Offensive Odor

Hard Water and Chlorine Damage Expensive Clothes

Hard Water and Chlorine Make

Everything Taste Bad

Hard Water Damages Heating Elements That Make You Spend More Money on Keeping Your Water Hot, Ultimately Your Water Heaters Life Will Be Reduced by Many Years.

Hard Water Damages Pipes

Hard Water and Chlorine Dry Your Skin

Hard Water Damages Your Shower Heads and Faucets

Bottled water is expensive, is bad for our environment, a hassle to deal with, has inconsistent quality, and cannot  resolve your families water needs.   The reality is that Bottled Water creates more problems for all of us.

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